Baby Einstein: Language Nursery is from the award-winning infant-developmental media company of the same name, whose goal and philosophy is the satisfaction of a child's curiosity through sight and sound. In the main "Theatre" section of this disc you'll find lots of simple shapes, primary colours and favourite toys passing across the screen. Everything is accompanied by soothing and tinkling nursery-rhyme tunes. Every so often, a narrating female voice will move from English into another language--all of which is designed to expose your child to the wider world of languages. A video tutorial explains things just in case the parent is scratching their head as to what they're meant to do. It really is as simple as plonking junior down for half an hour to be colourfully distracted in a manner designed to educate as well as entertain. This is the simplest of the company's releases, making for an ideal introduction to what they're about. Others in the series focus on musical or artistic themes to expand upon all the ideas contained here.--Paul Tonks